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Live Mahjong Pai Gow

Live Mahjong Pai Gow is exclusively offered by BBIN available to play at 1 site.

Mahjong Pai Gow is a traditional Chinese game using 20 Mahjong tiles. There are two tiles each numbered with up to nine dots, while the last two tiles are blank and called "window" tiles. Each player and the dealer are dealt two tiles, with pairs being the best hands and window pairs being the best of these. Aside from pairs, hands are calculated by adding the numerical values of each tile, ignoring window tiles. From the resulting number, the single-digit sum is the value of the hand (i.e., a five tile and a seven tile yield a hand value of two); as such, the highest non-pair hand is a nine. If two hands have the same value, the hand with the highest tile wins (i.e., if one hand has a three tile and a two tile and the other hand has a four tile and a one tile, the hand with the four tile wins). Three player hands are played in this variant, and players may place win, lose, pair or tie bets on any of these hands.

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Live Mahjong Pai Gow News

Playtech's Live Mahjong PaiGow
The live dealer mahjong pai gow games on the Playtech software allows players to bet on three different players hands instead of just one.

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