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Payment Processor

EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited

EPS Company, established in 1984, is currently a consortium of 20 major banks in Hong Kong. Its mission is to provide greater convenience for customers and merchants via wider use of electronic fund transfers.

12/F, HSBC Building Tsimshatsui
82-84 Nathan Road
Hong Kong


+852 231 173 75
General Information:
+852 231 198 76

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PPS Logo


PPS is a 24-hour bill payment service which allows you to settle over 600 bills by a tone phone or Internet anytime, anywhere. Funds will be automatically transferred from your bank account to the merchants account upon your transaction.

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Payment Processor

EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited

EPS Company, established in 1984, is currently a consortium of 20 major banks in Hong Kong. Its mission is to provide greater convenience for customers and merchants via wider use of electronic fund transfers.

12/F, HSBC Building Tsimshatsui
82-84 Nathan Road
Hong Kong


+852 231 173 75
General Information:
+852 231 198 76

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