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Payment Processor

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc.

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) Plc. was incorporated in 1993 and is owned by all licensed banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). It commenced operations in June 1994. NIBSS has put in place modern world-class infrastructures for handling inter-bank payments in order to remove potential bottlenecks associated with inter-bank funds transfer and settlement. The company also operates the Nigeria Automated Clearing System (NACS) which facilitates the electronic clearing of cheques and other paper based instruments, electronic funds transfer, Automated Direct Credits and Automated Direct Debits. NIBSS at the instance of the Bankers’ committee has acquired cutting edge technologies for the operation of the Nigeria Central Switch (NCS).

Plot 1230, Ahmadu Bello Way
Bar Beach
Lagos, Lagos P. M. B. 12617


General Information:
+234 8 00 27 56 4277
Support Line:
+234 1 44 85 38 8

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NIBSS e-BillsPay Logo

NIBSS e-BillsPay

NIBSS e-BillsPay is an online real-time product that facilitates the payment of bills from a Nigerian bank account. It ensures instant credit of payments and receipt of collections.

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Payment Processor

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc.

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) Plc. was incorporated in 1993 and is owned by all licensed banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). It commenced operations in June 1994. NIBSS has put in place modern world-class infrastructures for handling inter-bank payments in order to remove potential bottlenecks associated with inter-bank funds transfer and settlement. The company also operates the Nigeria Automated Clearing System (NACS) which facilitates the electronic clearing of cheques and other paper based instruments, electronic funds transfer, Automated Direct Credits and Automated Direct Debits. NIBSS at the instance of the Bankers’ committee has acquired cutting edge technologies for the operation of the Nigeria Central Switch (NCS).

Plot 1230, Ahmadu Bello Way
Bar Beach
Lagos, Lagos P. M. B. 12617


General Information:
+234 8 00 27 56 4277
Support Line:
+234 1 44 85 38 8

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