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Xpoint secures additional licenses in 12 states and District of Columbia

30 Jan 2024

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Xpoint, the next-generation geolocation technology provider to the real-money online gaming space, today announced that it has secured licenses to operate in Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia. The additional licenses expand Xpoint’s capability to operate in a total of 19 states nationwide. The company is actively pursuing licenses in the remaining states where it is legal to operate.

Xpoint is currently operational in Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, and Ontario, Canada. This roster of operational states will grow steadily over the first quarter.

“Today’s multi-licensure announcement marks a milestone in our journey and our vote of confidence in the continued growth of online gaming in the USA,” said Manu Gambhir, CEO of Xpoint. “Until now, there has only been a single geolocation provider in the industry, creating risk for operators, slowing innovation, and keeping costs high due to a lack of competition. These additional licenses are a major step forward in allowing the industry to evolve and bring the most advanced geolocation platform to market."

The online gaming industry is a highly regulated sector in which suppliers such as Xpoint must submit applications for both the company and key individuals associated with the company for regulators to review and grant licenses.

The company’s geolocation platform for iGaming and sports betting, Xpoint Verify, is an advanced toolset for regulatory geo-compliance. The service is focused on being the most accurate geolocation service - allowing players in permitted locations and denying all others, including those attempting to spoof their location. Xpoint Verify detects and prevents fraud while providing valuable marketing insights to operator customers.

Xpoint Verify, designed for US-based iGaming and sports betting operators, provides seamless integration capabilities and cost efficiency and supports iOS, Android, MacOS, and Windows. The service is recognized for its accuracy in geolocation tracking and exceptional customer service. In addition, the Xpoint Verify solution reliably ensures that players are located within a permitted betting jurisdiction and ensures compliance with all applicable state gaming regulations.
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