Xpoint launches new product to reduce geolocation costs for operators
23 Apr 2024
Trust Mode is a product feature that decreases geolocation checks while complying with state-mandated check frequencies by minimizing location checks when a player is connected to a residential or office WiFi, even if they are near the border. Results have shown that Trust Mode reduces geolocation service checks by over 20%, allowing Xpoint customers to realize significant cost savings compared to legacy industry technologies.
“Trust Mode is a clear example of how competition fosters innovation,” said Manu Gambhir, CEO of Xpoint. “There is no need to frequently re-check the location of a bettor connected to Wi-Fi at their home despite being located near a state border.”
“As well as benefiting operators, end users also benefit from Trust Mode, as their battery usage will decrease due to the operator's ability to reduce the number of location checks for players without accuracy being sacrificed. This technology will serve as a game-changer for operators looking to get the most out of their geolocation service provider.”
Xpoint is licensed and authorized in twenty states and the District of Columbia across its current customer portfolio including names such as Bet365 and PrizePicks. Trust Mode delivers efficiencies to an industry that has remained largely static due to previously low levels of competition. Trust Mode saves iGaming operators money while enhancing user experience. Roll-out for the service is expected later this year.
The company’s flagship geolocation platform for iGaming, Xpoint Verify, is an advanced toolset for geo-compliance. The service is focused on being the most accurate, allowing players in permitted locations and denying all others, including those attempting to spoof their location. Xpoint Verify detects and prevents fraud while providing valuable marketing insights to operator customers.