US, Antigua Break Off Talks on Internet Gambling
WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by the Reuters: "The United States and the tiny Caribbean state of Antigua and Barbuda have broken off talks to resolve a high stakes dispute over the U.S. ban on Internet gambling, a U.S. trade official said on Thursday.
"'Unfortunately we were not able to reach a settlement, despite several meetings over the past four months,' said Richard Mills, a spokesman for the U.S. Trade Representative's office.
"…In a decision that U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick called 'deeply flawed,' a World Trade Organization (news - web sites) panel agreed earlier this year with Antigua and Barbuda's claim that the United States' ban on Internet gambling violated global trade rules.
"Although Zoellick said the United States would appeal, the two sides suspended litigation in June in the hopes of reaching a negotiated settlement…"