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Tiger's Claw Race Party at Tangiers Casino

24 Sep 2018

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Join the Tiger's Claw Race Party at Tangiers Casino every day at 2 p.m. between 24 September and 7 October to play for a $4,000 prize pool, with prizes all the way to fifth place. This promises to be a high-octane adrenaline-fueled party with the players with most points at the end of the tourney time-frame set to walk away with some very real rewards.

Races are held hourly, around the clock and each varies in style, rewards, minimum bet and theme, but all award points which accumulate on the leaderboard to determine the winners to be announced Monday, 8 October 01:00:00 UTC +2. Races are free to join and players must simply accumulate as many points as possible within the allotted time with the limited number of spins available.

Players are invited to join the Tiger’s Claw Race any day at 2 p.m. while the tournament is running. You can monitor your progress right from the game interface, with remaining spins, time remaining and points scored appearing on screen as you play. Whoever collects the most at the end of the promo will bag a whopping $1,500, with $1,000 for second place, $750 for third place, $500 for fourth and $250 for fifth place winners.

Another benefit of slots Races is the ability to score for losses as well as wins. Every win is worth 10 points, with 30 points for three consecutive wins and 40 points for three consecutive losses. Those who make a big win of at least 10 times their original bet will receive a massive 300 points to help them secure a place on the Tiger’s Claw leaderboard.

“Races are a fast-paced and fun way to enjoy casino slots, with some very tempting rewards on offer,” Tina Wales, Tangiers Casino spokesperson said.

“This is yet another innovation that Fifth Street Club Members get to add to their game arsenals, and they’re proving highly popular with slots fans the world over,” added Tina.

Fifth Street is the company that provides gamification technology to Tangiers Casino and many others, which includes VIP systems, tournament systems, rewards systems and numerous improvements to their members’ existing technologies, which results in improved gameplay, increased excitement, more reliable, quicker payment systems and an altogether better customer experience.
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