ICE London, 2006: Calvin and I met for the first time.
It is amazing what people will believe in the media. In our little online gaming world, it is even more amazing what people will believe when they read gossip on forums, blogs, and of course, Gambling 911. This should not come as a surprise to you, but I am full of juicy secrets and gossip because of all my industry friends and contacts, although I choose not to repeat or publish most of it. While keeping details nice and G-rated, I publish how much I love everyone and their respective companies- this is why Casino City/GPWA decided to give me my own URL and soon to be blog, Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against PG-13 and R rated online gaming stories and gossip, I just won't publish them myself. Until now. Well, only when it is in self defense. The publishing of really shocking gossip and pictures is where the infamous
Gambling 911 has the corner on the market.
Jenny Woo, G911's star reporter and my original partner in crime.
Chris Costigan, CEO of Gambling 911, is a man of many talents, but today I would like to focus on his detective work and his incredible ability to "read in between the lines". Who in this world can read
my review on Barcelona and Calvin's Barcelona highlights and come up with
this article? Amazing! Chris already knows that I am a huge fan of, he knows that I spend time with Calvin at conferences, but what Chris does not know is that Calvin and I have been an item since the day we met, we live together on his private tropical island, and I am pregnant with his baby. Yep- it's true. We have named him Calvin 2 and we are going to raise him as a Jew. So that's the real story. Now you all know. There is a reason why
Bodog Casino is consistently ranked so high on Online Casino City!!
Chris and Tila, the industry's latest love affair.
While we are coming clean here, there is something else that I must mention, for the good of the industry of course. Many of you have been asking why Gambling 911's star reporter, Jenny Woo, failed to make an appearance at CAP Barcelona earlier this month. The situation is simple. Michael Corfman, often seen snapping pictures at conference parties and exhibit halls, managed to secure a shocking late night shot of Chris and Tila Tequila in Barcelona. According to an industry friend, these two were spotted together multiple times, and they apparently left an industry party together while holding hands! Considering that Jenny and Tila have a death match planned for CAP Euro in January, Jenny was pretty upset and decided to cancel her Barcelona appearance. What a shame. Do me a favor though, and please keep this on the DL...I don't think Chris wants anyone to know.