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The sky is the limit at Party Poker

2 Sep 2009

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Party Poker and Ace Magazine have teamed up to create Poker in the Sky, which will take place on Friday 11 September in Copenhagen. Poker in the Sky literally rises above everything that you've seen before on the Danish poker scene! Floating high above the Town Hall, surrounded by Copenhagen and the spires of the city, 22 poker players will play against two celebrities with town hall-doves as the nearest spectators!

The 22 poker players will be hoisted 50 metres in the air by a crane at City Hall Square in Copenhagen. Hovering over the capital the poker players will compete against each other in a four hour long poker tournament.

A spokesman for said: "Poker is a high octane game, and we want to give the Danish poker players a special experience that will really boost their adrenaline levels. We have an expectation that it will be the most spectacular poker event Copenhagen has ever seen. More details on those involved will be released shortly."

Two of the 22 seats around the poker table will be occupied by two celebrities, but some of the remaining seats are still open and players who are interested, and do not suffer from a fear of heights, have the opportunity to win a seat to the finals on the square at Party Poker. Please note that these qualifiers are open to residents of Denmark only.and there is only one chance remaining to win a seat online on Thursday 3 September.

The 22 poker players will not only have a great view of Copenhagen, the winner of the game will scoop a package for the World Open V in London in October. The line-up at this prestigious event includes 'Ambassador of Poker' Mike Sexton and Tom 'Durrrr' Dwan. The Danish winner of the Poker in the Sky wins flights, hotel and a $10,000 buy-in for the tournament in London, which will be broadcast on television worldwide.

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