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The Reel Life: Empty tank break-in edition

20 Dec 2012

The Reel Life is happy to report that we've never run out of gas, even though we've driven our fair share of miles with the fuel gauge setting on empty. But even if we had been faced with an empty tank, we wouldn't break into someone else's house, raid the freezer and play with their cat.

But somehow, this is exactly what Daniel Bailey of Mokena, Ill., thought would be the appropriate thing to do. The residents of a house in Troy Township, Ill., said they awoke at 4 a.m. to someone knocking on the bedroom door and found Bailey on the stairs playing with their cat. They also found that their Christmas lights had been turned on and that a coffee cake had been opened and half-eaten.

A search of Bailey's vehicle revealed that he had also taken "two cans of beer, a can of soda, two frozen dinners, three frozen pizzas, a box of Hot Pockets and a box of mozzarella sticks" from the freezer inside, according to Police also found two marijuana pipes.

So now, a word of wisdom from the Reel Life when it comes to breaking and entering: Just because you play with someone's cat, don't think they won't overlook the fact that you broke into their house, raided their freezer and stole their beer.

Get in the fast lane Grandma, this bingo game is ready to roll!
It's the holiday season, and online casinos are rolling out some great holiday promotions.

bet365 Casino will be giving away a Porsche Cayman R with its 12 Levels of Christmas promotion. The more comp points you earn, the better prize you can claim. Other prizes in the promotion include a trip to Las Vegas, a stay at a five-star hotel in London with theater tickets and great cash prizes.

EuroGrand is offering a holiday season Bonus Bonanza all month, including cash back Tuesdays, where you can claim 50% cash back up to €10, and 150 percent match bonuses on Thursdays. There will also be raffles on Christmas Day and New Year's Day, so make sure you get your tickets!

Finally, 7Reels Casino is offering a Christmas Tournament worth a total of $250,000. Players who play from now until Dec. 30 will be eligible to win one of 100 prizes, with the first-place winner claiming a whopping $25,000. Merry Christmas indeed!
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