The Reel Life
One of the mottos The Reel Life has always followed is "don't make promises you can't keep." If a casino promises us 500 free spins, we better get 500 free spins. If we are supposed to receive a $50 bonus, we want that $50 bonus. If we're in a Burlington Coat Factory and a woman comes into announce that she just won the lottery and would pay for our coat, well, we better get that coat.
That's what happened in Columbus, Ohio this week. According to MSNBC, Linda Brown, 44, was dropped off at a Burlington Coat Factory in a rented limousine and announced that she won the lottery. She then said she'd pay for everyone's purchases up to $500. The other customers in the story, not surprisingly, went berserk. According to police Sgt. Lt. Michael Deakins, at least 500 people filled the aisles and another 1,000 were outside trying to get in.
Brown had the limousine take her to a bank to withdraw some of the $1.5 million she claimed she won in the lottery. When she came back, however, she was empty-handed.
Once again, the customers went berserk, but not in a good way. MSNBC says that "angry customers, realizing they weren't getting free coats, began throwing merchandise on the floor and grabbing clothes without paying for them."
Brown was arrested on three outstanding warrants for aggravated menacing, misuse of the 911 system and causing false alarms.
We wish that we saw this scene, which a police officer compared to Hurricane Katrina. But to all our loyal readers, we promise that if we make a promise, we will keep that promise.
Get in the fast lane grandma, the Bingo game is ready to roll!
Check out the big screen
Sandra B saw her big win on the big screen after she hooked her laptop to her TV and then scooped £6,025 playing Diamond Bonanza at Jackpot Joy.
"I'm all shaky!" she said. "I've never won this much in my life! I just sat there staring at it for about 15 minutes. It was amazing!"
Sandra's chosen a big treat to spend her big winnings on.
"We've booked a family cruise for next year so that's now paid for. Plus, I have a son and a daughter and a 2 year old grandson so I'll be able to treat them too."
Sounds like Sandra will have a full crew on that cruise. Congrats!