Swedish Gaming Authority cancels the legal position on negative equity
17 Feb 2023
In light of the administrative law in Linköping's judgment in case no. 9596-22, the Gambling Authority has decided to cancel the legal position on "The significance of negative equity when assessing suitability according to ch. 4. 1 § 3 of the Gaming Act" from 20 October 2020.
The Swedish Gaming Authority also continues to believe that a negative equity usually means that the suitability requirement cannot be considered fulfilled. For applicants who are part of a group, in some cases the group's combined capital strength can be taken into account. This applies to both first-time applications and applications for renewed licenses. A prerequisite, however, is that the group's resources are relevant and are actually at the applicant's disposal, which can be shown, for example, through a capital guarantee.
The Swedish Gaming Authority believes that a capital guarantee from a private person cannot be accepted as a starting point in view of the difficulties in obtaining a reliable picture of a natural person's financial position.
The extent to which the group's capital strength can be taken into account and what capital strength is required for the conditions for a license to be considered fulfilled will be decided in each individual case.