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Supreme Court rules in favor for sports betting in the US

14 May 2018

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Today the gaming industry applauded the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Murphy (formerly Christie) v. NCAA holding that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) is unconstitutional.

“The Supreme Court’s decision is a jackpot for not just sports betting but the entire gaming industry in general,” said Jeff Ifrah, founding partner of Ifrah Law and founding member of iDevelopment and Economic Association (iDEA), a trade association representing the growing industry of internet gaming and entertainment.

Mr. Ifrah represents clients in all sectors of the gaming industry, including companies whose operations moved overseas due to the United States’ onerous regulations preventing sports betting.

“Now entertainment companies formerly driven to offshore locations due to the strict limitations of the PASPA can return to the U.S., bringing jobs and economic opportunities with them,” said Mr. Ifrah. “States like Illinois, Michigan and New York, which have been waiting for this opportunity, may now implement pro-business measures to encourage gaming and create the benefits like increased tax revenue that previously only a handful of states were permitted to enjoy. This ruling will create a positive domino effect by allowing any state that wants to, to open its doors and reap the benefits of rationally regulated gaming.”

Ifrah Law on behalf of iDEA submitted a “friend of the court” or amicus brief in this case, arguing that outlawing sports betting in 46 states violated the United States’ most basic principles, such as the right of each state to decide for themselves how to regulate and grow their own economies.

“This decision protects the right of each state to decide which kinds of businesses they can allow and encourage within their borders. It also protects consumers, who now may engage in the popular activity of sports betting with the security of knowing that their activities will be protected by reputable brands and appropriate regulations.”
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