Right to Bet campaign reaches 10,000 signature mark
(PRESS RELEASE) -- Right2Bet, the campaign for the liberalisation of online gambling in the E.U, has reached the 10,000 signature mark in its quest to gain a million supporters for its cause.
It's really no surprise that the campaign is gathering pace; the issue of online gambling regulation has caused a fair amount of controversy recently across the world.
In Finland, the State run Gambling Monopolies' head man has resigned after revelations emerged about his organisation diverting profits supposedly earmarked for good causes to the Prime Minister's election campaign. Meanwhile, over in the ultra-conservative USA, bets on horse racing have finally been deemed legal, although heavily taxed.
Back in the E.U, the continent's lawmakers have decided that Ireland's decision to enforce a minimum price on cigarettes falls foul of E.U antitrust law. However, they have not yet made any attempt to stop other nations breaking these same laws in the Gambling Industry.
France, traditionally one of the bastions of resistance to E.U law, has recently changed its policies. General online gambling with E.U resident operators is set to be allowed but online slots, betting exchanges and the use of existing accounts are not permitted under the new laws.
The campaign continues both online and off, with the Right2bet team of models visiting cities and magazines all over Europe. There is also a regularly updated Facebook page and twitter feed, as well as the petition itself, which you can sign at www.right2bet.net.