Relax Gaming and GiG agree on partnership
15 May 2018
The deal will see Relax provide the Oslo-listed company with roulette and blackjack in the initial phase, with both made accessible at extremely competitive rates.
Using Relax’s proprietary RNG engine and developed in HTML5, players will experience realistic ball movement based on the latest physics models in the roulette title, while they can play with three hands simultaneously in the mobile-primed blackjack.
Mathias Larsson, Managing Director at GiG Games Services, said, “Our unique iGaming ecosystem and vision of opening up iGaming to make it fair and fun for all ties in perfectly with Relax Gaming’s new table games and we are delighted to provide their innovative gameplay.”
“Relax share our approach of putting the customer at the forefront of all ventures and we are excited to grow this relationship in the future across other genres,” added Larsson.
Daniel Eskola, Relax Gaming’s CEO, said, “It is a pleasure to partner with Gaming Innovation Group, which is at the forefront of delivering the best casino games on the market to its thousands of players.
“We are pleased to offer our premium casino titles at very competitive rates so that we can learn each other’s business requirements, which will enable us to build upon this relationship in the future.”