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Red Flush's VERSUS tournament will award $100,000

16 Sep 2013

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Red Flush Casino is celebrating the arrival of this year's biggest game, The Dark Knight Rises, with a new tournament called VERSUS.

VERSUS will run from Sept. 30-Oct. 27 for four weeks of extraordinary spins, and will give players the chance to emerge as heroes for a share of $100,000 in cash, bonuses and prizes.

"The time has come to stand up and be counted, to separate friend from foe and emerge a hero to celebrate the return of the Dark Knight with a fast new tournament," said Red Flush promotions manager Alex Roberts. "The best part is that we're extending more prizes to more players than any tournament ever before, all the way down the leaderboard."

The competition will comprise of two qualifying rounds and a two-week long final. Each qualifying round will run for one week, during which prizes as well as bonus credits will be up for grabs.

In addition, the tournament will be split into two campaigns. This means that for the first time ever, highrollers and intermediate players will compete in separate leaderboards -- giving each player an equal opportunity to top the leaderboard for a prize.

During the event, Red Flush will also extend their Bane Game to registrants. This is an interactive game that will give players the chance to take a break from their regular play to try and match five corresponding prizes, which include cash, bonuses and free spins on The Dark Knight Rises online slot.

Registration for VERSUS is free and opens Sept. 23.
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