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Prominent Cash Rewards for Loyal Customers

20 Feb 2006

LONDON, UK -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- A year on from VIPCasino's launch of its incredible Premium Club, the program continues to grow in strength and popularity as players seek high value rewards for their loyalty.

The Premium Club is calculated on a player's comp points which are issued each month. For every $10 a player wagers on a game, they will receive the point's value allocated to that game. If the points have accumulated up to 2000 or more, they are translated automatically into cash to the nearest dollar!

Once players have been issued their comp point payments, the Casino Manager uses this information to determine their membership into the Premium Club for the upcoming month: Bronze (up to 1,999 points), Silver (2,000 to 7,499 loyalty points), Gold (7,500 – 14,999) or Platinum (15,000 +). There is also Platinum Black membership, which is by invite only, and some of these players were taken to New York last year as a thank you for their loyalty. The higher the points earned, the higher the Premium Club membership level – and the higher the rewards!

All membership groups have a monthly tournament, generous cash back on player's net losses or winnings as well as game promotions which vary between groups. Gold members and higher also benefit from a Match Deposit and extra comp points which total a serious amount of free money every month!

Kate Berkeley, VIP Casino Manager, says: "This is a real innovation which appeals to online gaming enthusiasts everywhere because it's all-inclusive. We don't need 'tie down' gimmicks to keep our valued customers coming back - we just reward loyalty in cash. The great thing about our Premium Club is that it doesn't matter how many, or how little, points are accumulated - everyone wins."

VIPCasino rewards loyal customers in cash – making online gaming a better, safer and more enjoyable experience for all. To find out more about VIP Casino, its Premium Club or how much extra you could you getting a month please visit them at

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