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Rebecca Liggero

Rebecca  Liggero
Rebecca Liggero loves meeting new people and traveling – perfect qualities for someone who has won friends and influenced people in the worldwide online gaming community. After graduating from Bates College with a degree in psychology, Rebecca spent four years in Washington, DC, working in relationship management, dreaming all the while about someday making it big in online gaming. After turning down an opportunity to live in New Zealand, she moved back to Boston and signed on as Senior Account Manager for Casino City – the beginning of a dream come true! Rebecca’s work on behalf of Casino City (and later for the GPWA as well) took her to trade shows and conferences everywhere – Amsterdam, Barcelona, Costa Rica, Montreal, London, Las Vegas, Macau and many other ports of call – and along the way she began chronicling her incredible around-the-clock adventures in a wildly entertaining and industry-savvy weekly column that quickly became – and still remains – must reading for everyone who is anyone in online gaming. Following almost three years with the Casino City team, Rebecca spent a few months at Everest Affiliates where she was the Brand Manager of the affiliate program. While working on “the other side,” she realized that she truly missed her weekly column and the affiliate side of the business and decided to return to the Casino City family. One and a half years later, Rebecca resigned from Casino City and joined industry icon Calvin Ayre to serve as the Bodog Global Brand Ambassador and the head on-site reporter for the online gambling industry tablog, In her new capacity, Rebecca continues to travel the world, and when asked where she is based, her response is usually "on an airplane." Contact Rebecca at Be careful, though – she might quote you.

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Pre Costa Rica: The Anticipation and The Price

24 Jul 2007

By Rebecca Liggero

Kate from Wager Profits: my partner in crime

Kate from Wager Profits: my partner in crime

Newport, Rhode Island, a fun little beach town located less than 1.5 hours drive from my apartment in Boston, MA. How many times have I been? Once. This past weekend. San Jose, Costa Rica, a vibrant, online gaming filled city located in Central America. How many times have I been? Six. Returning on Thursday for trip number seven. The reality of the situation is that I have more friends living in San Jose, Costa Rica than I do in Boston, the city I was born and raised. I'm not really sure how to feel about this. Regardless, my partner in crime, Kate from Wager Profits, and I have put together several extra curricular activities for the Costa Rica online gaming crowd this weekend- we're talking seven bottle minimum VIP section- so god knows I'll be back next week with some censored stories, plenty of pics, maybe some Swedes, and hopefully some sååååja.

Male college student/recent grad

Male college student/recent grad

Younger men, older woman

Younger men, older woman

To confirm that I have some sort of social life back here on the East Coast, I would like to describe a few of my experiences in Newport last weekend. This coastal town is full of gorgeous beaches, surfing, timeshares, historical mansions, shopping, a variety of restaurants, and of course, a very active night life. At the risk of sounding like the Hamptons Sex and the City episode, Newport is a town where the yuppies (mostly male) meet the college student/recent grads (male and female). Great for the men, terrible for the women. Why? Older men love younger women, younger men love older women, but older women are not interested in younger men. How convenient for the men. My girl friends and I are in our late twenties and therefore should be classified in the "older" category. How do I know this? It's pretty obvious when you are continually approached by men who respond to "when did you graduate" with a high school graduation date.

Boston girls do Newport

Boston girls do Newport

Aside from the fact that none of us landed a future husband in Newport, us girls had the time of our lives once we decided to embrace the situation. You know what else I discovered in Newport? My online gaming life will follow me everywhere I go. This became especially apparent when I met up with some friends of a friend for the first time (male yuppies, of course) and their first words to me were, "We are not Swedish, I'm sure you're disappointed. So aren't you going to Costa Rica soon"? That's a true story. Thanks a lot, Google.

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