PPA launches "Tweet for Poker" campaign
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- The Poker Players Alliance (PPA), the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, today announced Tweet for Poker, an internet advocacy tool that allows poker enthusiasts and activists to directly contact their member of Congress and tell them to support pending legislation that will license and regulate online poker.
"Poker players are online, they're active, and they're weighing in on the policy battles that impact their right to play," said PPA Executive Director John Pappas. "Tweet for poker is PPA's most instant and dynamic tool for our members to directly contact their legislators in a way that engages the public in the debate. We're proud of the instant success, and look forward to hearing what our elected officials think of the legislation and this new advocacy program."
PPA's Tweet for Poker site allows Twitter users to directly target their member of Congress through a unique platform that matches their account with that of their elected official. Senators are asked to support legislation introduced by Senator Robert Menendez - S.1597, while House members are urged to support H.R. 2267 introduced by Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank. Participants simply enter the information – zip code for Senate, mailing address for House - and PPA redirects them to their Twitter account with their legislator's information and the message pre-filled. By visiting the site, viewers can follow who is contacting their member of Congress and from what location.
Earlier this year, PPA implemented other online programs to engage poker players and encourage them to contact policymakers to protect their game. During National Poker Week, PPA collected more than 375,000 signatures on the petition to President Obama calling for the licensing and regulation of online poker, and nearly 200,000 letters/emails were sent to U.S Representatives and Senators.
For more information on Tweet for Poker, please visit www.TweetforPoker.com.