Poker Players Alliance calls on PA's Senate to enact iGaming legislation
2 Nov 2016
"We thank the House for its support of online gaming today while taking up the critical local share tax issue and urge the Senate to take immediate action," said John Pappas, Executive Director of the Poker Players Alliance. "There is no policy or political justification for the Senate to delay a vote. Every day that passes without robust protections, leaves consumers vulnerable and leaves revenue on the table."
Pennsylvania's budget for 2016-2017 includes revenue from online gaming licenses. The collection of these fees is especially critical now that Pennsylvania's Department of Revenue reports that tax collection is $218.5 million, or 3.2 percent, below estimate.
"In recent weeks, thousands of Pennsylvanians have contacted their lawmakers to urge action. Protecting consumers while raising revenue without raising taxes is what Commonwealth residents want and deserve. Don't once again kick the can down the road," said Pappas.