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Poker Player Tweets of the Week: Shot clock edition

6 Mar 2014

Most of the poker world is in Los Angeles for the World Poker Tour L.A. Poker Classic (LAPC) right now. And even though Southern California is known for its fantastic sunny weather and amazing beaches, that is of no concern to poker players. They are indoor cats, preferring to be shielded by air conditioning and fake oxygen pumped through casino air vents. Another major tournament series means another occasion for players to flock to Twitter to provide chip stack updates (ugh), moral support for their friends making final table runs (blech) and general, entertaining debauchery and degeneracy (now we're getting somewhere). And if poker doesn't already have enough petty issues that nobody can agree on, the "shot clock" debate is sure to be one that will last a lifetime (or at least until Matt Glantz writes a blog post about it). Anyway, that's where we kick things off in this week's top tweets. Wednesday, March 5: Tripp "@tkirk12" Kirk Tripp, you trippin'. (Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.) I completely agree with Mr. Kirk here. I understand that adjusting to the live format after playing online can be difficult for many poker players, even though you're likely going down from around a dozen tables at a time to just one. But it's been nearly three years since Black Friday, and unless you're one of the rare European online poker players who has yet to gain any live experience, you've had plenty of time to get a feel for the live game. Ninety-five percent of poker decisions should take roughly one second, while 4.9 percent of decisions can be made within a minute. For the rare 0.1 percent of the time when you have a really difficult choice to make at the table, you can take all the time you need. Like Kirk said, I'm not really sure I care about whether or not poker adopts a shot clock, and I'm not sure it will make a difference, anyway. But players do take too long to act on a regular basis, and it is annoying because they have virtually no excuse. Case closed. Thursday, March 6: Jay "@Jay_Farber_LV" Farber Well played, Farber. Thursday, March 6: Daniel "@RealKidPoker" Negreanu You know what, screw you, Daniel Negreanu. The day I complain about being 162.8 pounds is the day you all can finally bring me to the mental institution around the corner from my apartment. But seriously, Daniel, if you want to lose some weight, consider joining Casino City Senior Editor Aaron Todd's weight-loss pool. Loss aversion is powerful, even at $20 a month. Wednesday, March 5: Marvin "@MadMarvin" Rettenmaier Something is wrong with this tweet, or maybe with the way I'm interpreting it. Is it possible Marvin Rettenmaier is making a joke? Ha ha, very funny, someone "stole" your hair. Classic Rettenmaier. My hypothesis is that Rettenmaier's language barrier has caused him to not only receive a bad haircut, but also to incorrectly use the word "stole" in a sentence. To steal something means to take something that isn't yours without the owner's consent. A bad hairdresser doesn't actually take your hair, Marvin, he just butchers it. Wednesday, March 5: Dan "@DanFleyshman" Fleyshman Even though I thought Ellen Degeneres was pretty awkward and overall a hit-or-miss Oscars host, this Simpsons drawing of one of the most awkward scenes of the night is still awesome.
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