partypoker launches new-look tables
29 Nov 2021
We have taken onboard hundreds of comments from you, our amazing players, about how our tables look and feel, and used those comments to create a completely new poker playing experience that we are sure you will love.
The new graphics are the first thing you notice when you fire up the new partypoker tables for the first time. Avatars are much larger, which makes them easier to see, and the table graphics and animations are vastly improved. You can enjoy playing around with new cards, emojis, avatars, and throwables, which help to pass the time during a poker session.
A common complaint about the old tables was having to go back to the main partypoker lobby to edit your in-game settings. That is no longer the case with all the available options right there in the corner of your table. This allows you to quickly and easily swap out table felts, cards, and change your bet button amounts on the fly, all without missing any of the action.
The larger avatars now flash different colors when you or an opponent is waiting to act, has bet, folded, or is all-in. Anyone who has pushed all-in now has an all-in triangle displayed next to their alias, so you can see at a glance a player who has committed their entire stack.
In addition, there is a new hand strength indicator available to the left of your avatar. This can be toggled on or off, and it updates in real-time, meaning you should never misread your hand again.
A major improvement to the Rabbit Hunt feature makes it easier than ever to see what card would have come next. Gone is the rabbit popping up on your screen that you had to click, you now click on the blank cards displayed on the table and the upcoming card or cards are instantly revealed.
More improvements come your way in the form of note-taking. You can take detailed color-coded notes on your opponents and this changes the colour of the halo surrounding each play. Hovering over a player you have a note on overlays your notes, making them easier to access and view while you are in a hand.
Tournament players now have an improvement to the in-the-money (ITM) indicator displayed while they are grinding events such as our Daily Legends and various satellites, allowing you to keep track of where you stand in each tournament.