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Online Casino Backer Bets on Space Travel

20 Sep 2004

EDMONTON, Alberta – As reported by the Edmonton Journal: "If all goes according to plan, a 45-year-old self-taught engineer from Toronto with about 25 hours of flying experience in light planes will become Canada's first private astronaut early next month.

"Brian Feeney will achieve that heady goal by launching himself into space from a small airport in Kindersley, Sask., in an eight-metre-long cigar tube-shaped rocket carried to the edge of space by the world's largest reusable helium-filled balloon.

"If it sounds like a bit of a gamble, then it's perhaps no coincidence that Feeney's lead backer is an Internet casino. And it's not just any casino, but the Golden Palace Casino, whose name was emblazoned on the chest of the infamous Canadian who crashed the Olympic diving event in Athens last month.

"Feeney, team leader of the da Vinci Project, plans to give the Golden Palace even better exposure, making it the first casino in space by playing a laptop game of blackjack on its website during his three minutes or so of space flight. Then after the balloon, the rocket, the crew capsule, laptop, Feeney and all come floating back to Earth, he'll try to do the whole thing again within two weeks.

"Welcome to the wild and wacky world of the Ansari X Prize competition.

"The X Prize is a $10-million US purse that will go to the first team to put a reusable space vehicle capable of carrying three people 100 kilometres into suborbital space twice within two weeks…"

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