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New stats feature at

5 Jun 2008

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Now at Chilipoker you can really understand the power gained when using statistics to check out your online poker performance. With Chilipoker stats you can review the number of FPPs that you earn, your winnings and your losses, the number of hands you have played. We are offering this free exclusive poker tool to all our Chilipoker players.

With Chilipoker stats all the information about your game play, which may be useful to improve your game and also to keep an exhaustive and clear history about your activity on Chilipoker.

Why is Chilipoker offering this information to its players?

Control your game

Because Chilipoker wants to go farther than having a simple partnership with Adictel. We are now offering a real tool to monitor your relationship with the game. Have you raised your stakes, have you been playing more and more, for longer periods?

If Chilistats shows you that your pass-time has become an addiction, you may place an automatic limit on your game by contacting our support staff, or call Addictel immediately. Online poker should remain first and foremost a leisure activity.

Analyze your game

Catagorize your results by type of game, cash game, Sit'n'Go, or tournament and identify your strengths?

· See your results by type of game, buy-in or date.

· Figure out when you win money and when you opponents are besting you

· Know your return on investment (ROI) and your BB/100, two methods used by all experienced players to figure out their winnings in just a few seconds.

Concentrate on your strong points and increase your winnings! It's the best way to improve your game.

Display your talent on Chilipoker

Will you produce the best results in the first competitions organized by Chilipoker? Anyone can be the best player in the tournament. The best players will earn:

· FPP points to use however you wish in the gift shop

· Seats at Chilipoker tournaments

· Special reserved freerolls

Statistics are available for free for all players, at all levels, no matter how much they play.

Did you know?

In cashgame we measure the ratio of the Big Bet (BB) for each 100 hands. A Big Bet is twice the amount of the big blind. The BB/100 measures your success rate regardless of the table stake at which you play. In SnG and in MTT we use the Return of Investment (ROI). This enables you to check how much your return is for each $1 investment.

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