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New Look Bingo offers the Bingo Champions League

9 Jun 2014

(PRESS RELEASE) -- The 2014 FIFA World Cup is all set to begin. And, whilst everyone gets busy scheduling their work so that they do not miss out on this mind gripping event, even the bingo sites are caught with a bit of the sporty action.

Check out New Look Bingo! They have a perfect bingo promotion that can actually grip you on to your seats and exhaust you with some good sporty action.

It is called the Bingo Champions League! And participating in for this tournament is a good idea to buck up some good team spirit. According to this promotion, you got to team up with four other players and join in for the bingo games sizzling across 11 bingo rooms. The rooms are, Victoria 90, London Eye, London Hall, London Zoo, Red Bus, Oxford 80, Big Ben, Citi Hall, The Thames and Buckingham Palace.

The only requirement from players end is to team up with four other players and join at these rooms to play bingo and hit the full house bingo shots. Teams making the most number of full house bingo will share real cash worth £1500. This share of cash will be sorted accordingly amongst the top teams making a bingo. Like, every week the top team with the maximum full house winnings will receive a share of cash winning. Also, the top three teams for the month of June will take away their share of cash too.

In short the bingo special is a perfect one for those interested in something out of the ordinary. Players must ensure to choose their teams in the days between 1st and 9th June and the promotion takes place in the days between 10th and 30th June. So, why not head over to the rooms of New Look Bingo at the earliest. For this June, the site is stacked in with bingo promotions that you cannot miss out on. Get in to New Look bingo rooms soon.
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