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Man Wins Phone Casino Jackpot

19 Sep 2006

LONDON, England – (PRESS RELEASE) --Warehouse worker Peter Battye won a GBP25,000 jackpot on a mobile phone casino game - just two days after winning GBP15. Peter, 22, from Batley, West Yorkshire was playing the one arm bandit-style game Union Jackpot by The Phone Casino when three red sevens popped up.

He said: "I was gobsmacked. It's more than I earn in a year - GBP16,000. The game had only been launched three days previously and I'd spent GBP25 playing.

"I'm a night worker, so I was lying in bed last Friday morning and decided to have a game. I put GBP7 - it costs GBP1 per game - on my phone and started playing. Suddenly, the three red sevens popped up and the phone went berserk, telling me I'd won the jackpot.

"I was so stunned I thought it was a mistake at first. I've never won anything in my life - but, incredibly, I'd won GBP15 on the same game on the day it launched."

Peter now plans to whisk his girlfriend of six months Becky, 18, a cleaner, off for a romantic holiday to Spain - but first he's got some shopping to do.

He said: "I'm going to buy Becky some sexy lingerie from Agent Provocateur to take with us to Spain. I want to treat her - the last time I had a holiday was four years ago so this will be dead special.

"I'll also treat my family, pay off my debts and buy a massive plasma screen TV - Becky and I like snuggling up on the sofa watching DVD's.

"You can bet I will still play the game - and with my run of luck at the moment I might even buy a lottery ticket!"

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