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Lottery President's Pay Cut

1 Dec 2004

Las Vegas Sun

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Lottery President Rebecca Paul will take a pay cut next year.

The lottery board approved a plan Monday that would allow Paul to make up to $577,500 in salary and bonuses. That's less than the $700,000 Paul made in her first year of work.

Paul, who came from Georgia to start Tennessee's lottery 14 months ago, said she expected to make less after the crucial startup year. She said the new salary was enough to keep her here.

"I love Tennessee," Paul said. "I might even retire here."

Paul was the highest-paid lottery director in the United States last year, and the new package will keep her the at the top.

Last year, she earned $350,000 in base salary and collected $350,000 of the $400,000 in potential bonuses. The new compensation package keeps Paul's base salary at $350,000 and adds incentive bonuses of up to $227,500, or 65 percent of her base salary.

Copyright © Las Vegas Sun. Inc. Republished with permission.

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