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King Solomons Casino player earns major payday

3 Aug 2011

LONDON, England -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- King Solomons Casino shares yet some more news about the now well known Greek player P.P. who once again hit it big on Great Blue Slots. This time, the slots player won over €57,000, the major part of which came from free spins winnings.

P.P. started his gaming session with €5,000 in hand and placed €100 bets all throughout. Very soon he hit a single line win which rewarded him with winnings of €3,840. This was followed by a first free spins round which contributed to almost half of his total winnings by paying out over €28,000.

The slots player came across a good number of free games rounds which paid out several thousands of Euros. After a bonus win of €2,400 came the most rewarding of all the free spins he was grated since the total wins derived from them amounted to a fantastic €47,640.
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