Keno Cup 2010
3 Mar 2011
"Keno Cup 2010" is a very easy game to learn. Before each game you are presented with a keno card and asked to choose anywhere from 1-15 numbers out of a possible 80. The computer then draws 20 random numbers. The more times your numbers are drawn, the more chances for you to win. But the more numbers you pick, the more that need to hit in order to win a prize.
If you choose 15 numbers, you need at least three to hit in order to win any money. If only two get drawn, you don't win anything. If you choose only two numbers, and both hit, you win $9.50 on a $1 stake. Your stake in the game doesn't change regardless of how many numbers you pick. If you choose 15 numbers, and all 15 are chosen, you win $20,000 on a $1 stake.
The soccer aspect of this game involves the way the numbers are drawn. The background of the game is a soccer field, and every time a number is chosen, a soccer ball is kicked onto the keno card.
"Keno Cup 2010" is a fun and simple game that all gamblers can enjoy. Swing on by 888 Games and try your luck.