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It's Freezing Fuzzballs

14 Jan 2010

The dog days of winter are upon us and the temperatures, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, can be summarized by one word – freezing. An appropriate game for this time of the year is "Freezing Fuzzballs" at Captain Cooks Casino.

"Freezing Fuzzballs" is a nine-panel instant win card where you need to match three symbols to win. Like most scratch card games, it is very easy to play. Nine ice cubes are displayed. Behind the ice cubes are symbols. One you click on an ice cube, the ice melts and the symbol is revealed.

Any three matching symbols pay a multiplier value, as shown in the payout table below. Only one winning combination is paid out per card. If there is more than one possible winning combination on a card, you are paid out the value of the highest combination only.

"Freezing Fuzzballs" is a fun and simple game to play that can be played and the warmth and comfort of your home. Slide on by to Captain Cooks Casino and give it a scratch.


Symbol CombinationMultiply Total Credits Bet by
3 Eskimo symbols2500
3 Polar Bear symbols100
3 Seal symbols12
3 Rodent symbols5
3 Fish symbols3
3 Penguin2