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Inspired renews contract with Sisal

21 Mar 2018

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Inspired Entertainment, Inc. today announced that it has reached an agreement whereby it will continue to supply its SBG VLT platform, machines and games content to the Sisal estate in Italy for a further four years.

As part of the agreement, Inspired will supply up to 2,024 SBG VLT terminals to Sisal, provide remote and field services and continue to deploy about six new games from its in-house studio per year.

"Sisal is a valued and long-established customer of Inspired," said Luke Alvarez, President and CEO, Inspired, "and I'm delighted to announce that we will continue our business relationship into the future.

"Our Italian VLT business is an incredibly important one, and this agreement is testament to our commitment to its ongoing development."
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