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Genting Casino adds Day of the Dead slot

29 Sep 2016

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Experience the thrill of being at the casino in the comfort of your own home, with Genting Casino & Live Casino's brand new Mexican themed game, Day of the Dead slots.

Adding to their already impressive roster of slots games at Genting Casino, Day of the Dead joins some of the casino's most popular slots games such as Cleopatra and Genie Jackpots. What's more, Day of the Dead provides a unique experience with more chances to win than ever.

With two way pay (left to right and right to left) and the ever popular MultiWay Xtra wagering system, players can now experience up to 720 ways to win by using just 50 coins.

The game, with a stunning hexagonal, five-reel interface allows players to define the way they play the game, with the ability to stake anything up to 50 coins in values of their choice using the negative and positive buttons on the game's interface. And as an added bonus, staking 50 coins gives players up to 720 ways to win real money.

For players wanting to kick back and watch the action unfold, Day of the Dead's game interface also houses an auto spin feature, allowing players to set a maximum budget or spin tally in a single session. Selecting auto spin is one of the easiest ways to play slots. Simply deposit money, head to your chosen slots game and watch the reels spin away.

Thanks to its two way pay system, players can not only play with even more chances to win, but can multiply free spins thanks to stacked bonus symbols. This means a simple round could result in 8, 16, 24 or more free spins.

As with all popular slots games at Genting Casino, players can sign up and practice before they deposit real money.

For more information, please visit the website.
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