Full House Resorts tribal partner blesses its land
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – (PRESS RELEASE) -- This past Saturday, Full House Resorts' (Amex: FLL) tribal partner, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi, conducted traditional and spiritual ceremonies to bless the land on which its FireKeepers Casino is being developed. The 79-acre site located at 11 Mile Road Exit on Interstate 94 in Emmett Township, Michigan was deeded to the United States in trust for the tribe in December, following years of litigation. In September, the Bureau of Indian Affairs issued an Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision which confirmed previous environmental studies and what the Tribe believed all along, that the project would cause no significant impact on the environment. The Tribe negotiated a settlement of long-standing litigation which dismissed all environmental claims and allowed the land to be taken into trust leading to this ceremonial day. Now the Tribe and Full House Resorts are moving expeditiously to complete the facility design and coordinate financing so that construction can finally begin.
The blessing celebration included a sunrise ceremony around the fire, a drum group, pipe and tribal sacred medicines -- historically integral parts of Tribal culture -- as well as special remarks, sharing of memories and a feast.
Tribal Chairperson Laura W. Spurr said, "Our blessing ceremony is a reminder of our traditional ways of caring for Mother Earth. The Potawatomi people have always had a deep reverence for the land. We will be honoring the Creator in a traditional way and also honoring our past and future generations. This land represents the future of the Tribe. The future casino represents a significant step toward economic development for the Tribe to help finance the tribal government's expenditures in health care, housing, education, social needs and administration as well as sustain a viable future for generations to come."