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Former Google Scandinavia CEO joins

11 Jun 2008

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Johan Kinnander, who is CEO at Glife AB, one of Sweden's leading online social networks, has extensive experience of online marketing, especially from his time as CEO at Google in Scandinavia and AD Pepper Media. He has established and built a number of successful companies in the Nordic market.

- I believe that Betsafe's business will increase extensively the next coming years and I hope I can contribute with my knowledge and network to help them make this trip as smooth as possible, says Johan Kinnander who has followed the development of internet gaming during his time with different internet companies.

- We are very satisfied with the recruitment of a board member with such a long and thorough experience of internet business, says a happy Henrik Persson Ekdahl, Betsafe's CEO. Johan's background contributes with exactly the right competence that we need to be able to successfully grow on our already strong Nordic market, and on our upcoming endeavors. We intend to strengthen the board with at least 2 more significant members during 2008. Johan will be a board member in the Norwegian company Artic Invest A/S, the investment company that owns

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