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Euro Poker launches Strobe Poker

8 Apr 2013

(PRESS RELEASE) -- At Euro Poker we have now introduced Strobe Poker – the new fast way of playing poker. The game play is the same as normal No Limit Hold'em, but there is one big difference that allows players to play more hands per hour. After they fold, they will be dealt into a hand at a new table, with new opponents, to continue playing right away! Strobe Poker is available with its app for tablets and smart phones, too!

Strobe Poker is a turbocharged version of the traditional poker ring game. Basically, it plays just the same except you have new opponents for every new hand; i.e. every time you fold you’ll immediately be brought into a new hand. In traditional poker ring games you play against a static set of players, one table and one set of players. With Strobe you play against a pool of players. When you fold in Strobe you are immediately placed at a new table, directly into the fury of a new hand against new opponents

But wait, it can get quicker still . . . you can select the faster fold option (fold out of turn) to be seated at a new table right away.

You can find Strobe Poker on the top navigation of the poker client – simply click to launch!
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