Energy Casino mints first high-rolling winner
13 Jan 2017
But it was when our lucky VIP started playing King of Slots that the magic really happened. Demonstrating impressive focus and a single-minded determination to win, and staking an impressive €1,476,578.00, at one point they had accumulated a profit of €101,309.00 on that one slot alone. It's something we've seen repeatedly with big winners at Energy Casino; trying a wide variety of different slots, then finding one that just seems to "click" and sticking with it. In this player's case, it paid off handsomely, proving that sometimes it can pay to bet big.
We all know that the point of playing is for the pure thrill, and most of us don't have pockets deep enough to stake as much as our VIPs, but what this winner demonstrates is that life can change for the better in the twinkling of an eye. Whether you stake a couple of Euros, or a couple of million Euros, you can still enjoy the excitement of that irresistible force; random luck. In a world that can get pretty boring, we think it's important to throw in a bit of chance every now and then.
So, at the end of their playing period, how much was our VIP up? Across all their play, it was a cool €61,413.00. We're sure you'll agree, that's a great way to start 2017.
Who'll be the next big winner?
Energy Casino mints first high-rolling winner
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