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Dutch Remote Gambling Act delayed to 1 March

7 Sep 2020

(PRESS RELEASE) -- The Remote Gambling Act is expected to enter into force on 1 March 2021. Six months later, 1 September 2021, the online gambling market will open. On 1 September 2021, the Central Register of Exclusion of Games of Chance will also come into effect for both online and land-based providers of games of chance.

This is stated in a letter that Sander Dekker, the Minister for Legal Protection of the Ministry of Justice and Security, sent to the Lower House (see also the news item from the ministry about the entry into force of the Koa Act ). The minister has decided on this timetable after a tour of all those involved, including the Gaming Authority (Ksa). If the law comes into force on 1 March, applications for a license to be allowed to offer online games of chance can be submitted to the Ksa.

The Remote Games of Chance Act legalizes and regulates online games of chance under strict conditions, but it also has consequences for the current country-based providers of risky games of chance. For instance, arcades and locations of Holland Casino will have strict requirements in the field of addiction prevention and advertising.
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