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Dealer Puts New Twist on Games

18 Aug 2005

KENNEWICK, Washington – As reported by the Mississippi Sun Herald: "Warren Montney has put a Texas Hold'em twist on blackjack, and he's hoping it's a winning hand for casinos and customers.

"Montney, 38, of Richland, Wash., who has dealt blackjack in Nevada and Washington for nearly 10 years, received approval from the Washington State Gambling Commission in June for two new blackjack games he's invented - Texas 21 and Bonus 21.

"Two local casinos have opened tables for Montney's game, and a Spokane casino will be dealing Texas 21 within a week.

"…The game, which blends basic blackjack with Texas Hold'em, is a bonus blackjack game, meaning players have to place a minimum $1 side bet to play the Texas Hold'em portion.

"After players are dealt a basic blackjack hand, the dealer takes four more cards out of the shoe and places them face up on the table.

"The players use the dealer's top card, which is always turned up for players to see, their cards and the four community cards to create the best poker hand.

"Any player with a three-of-a-kind or better gets paid if he or she is playing the bonus bet. A three-of-a-kind pays 1-to-1; straight, 2-to-1; flushes, 3-to-1; full house, 4-to-1; four-of-a-kind, 8-to-1; five-of-a-kind, 40-to-1; straight flush, 50-to-1; royal flush, 150-to-1; and a suited five-of-a-kind pays 500-to-1.

"…Jokers Casino in Richland and Celebrity Bowl and Casino in Kennewick have started dealing Montney's Texas 21 and another game he licensed called Bonus 21.

"In Bonus 21, players must also place a minimum $1 bet.

"If they are dealt a blackjack, they receive the bonus. A nonsuited blackjack pays 10-to-1; a suited blackjack pays 20-to-1; and if the player is dealt the ace and jack of spades, he receives 30-to-1 odds…"

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