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Related Links Sends Brian McFadden to WSOP

21 Jul 2006

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Singer and songwriter Brian McFadden will add another credential to his already impressive resume when he turns semi-professional in the poker world by playing in the 2006 World Series of Poker. Poker players from around the world dream of playing in this, the biggest event in the industry, although few ever will. is famed for being involved in "celebrity poker games." They are the poker room responsible for providing the action backstage at both the 2005 World Music Awards and American Music Awards shows in Las Vegas. Setting the bar even higher this year, will be turning to the WSOP main event and placing their "pocket ace" Brian McFadden right in the action. It is likely that Brian will be one of many notable celebrity players who are looking to make their mark on the poker world. In their midst will be seasoned poker professionals, long time tournament players and the new breed of online enthusiasts. While Brian certainly has all the tools to remain calm under pressure, he will have his work cut out for him making it through the competition.

The 2006 World Series of Poker is being held at the Reno Casino in Las Vegas. Like the past few years events there will be massive press and media coverage surrounding the tournament. Poker players and casual fans from all across the globe will be watching their televisions and checking websites for news and results daily; cheering for their favorite professional player or celebrity personality. Being a household name in Europe and especially his native Ireland, Brian will have the support and cheers of many watching the event.

Brian is definitely no stranger to the spotlight. He was one fifth of one of the biggest boy bands in the world (Westlife) and now a solo artist in his own right. At the age of just 26, Brian has all the hard won wisdom of a music veteran. Having sold 30 million records and picked up twelve UK number one hits with his previous band; Brian's passion for making music is undiminished and invigorating.

What this means to Brian's poker game is simple. He is used to being under pressure and coming up on top of the competition. He has a natural talent for reading people and quite the knack for reading the cards as well. All these attributes and diversified skills have made Brian into quite the card shark over the past year of playing.

Recently on poker with him. This was an amazing opportunity for all members to sit down and play poker with both a music star and a class act of a gentleman. The banter was entertaining as players from all over the globe took bluffs and raised bets with one of their favorite performers. The tournament also gave players the chance to see calls and bets placed by a future WSOP participant.

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