Casino Room and Highroller offering tickets to The Festival in Tallinn
22 Mar 2021
In order to win players need to take part in in-house tournaments, a kind of warm-up you could say. The tournaments will run from the 23 April on Casino Room and HighRoller. Get your players to opt-in, and then play roulette or blackjack (or both). The leaderboard positions will be based on the number of winning rounds its that simple. They play, you win, they go to Tallinn.
So, to sum it all up, Casino Room may seem a little crazy with Zombie easter bunnies running around the site, and it certainly isn’t scared to one of the first partners for the Tallinn Festival, because, through our awards, we are able to back up our trustworthiness and impeccable reputation, so ensuring that your players can have the best possible experience signing up with Casino Room and Highroller.