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Bavarian player wins LOTTO24 jackpot

16 May 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) -- A 49-year-old LOTTO24 player from Bavaria hit the freiheit+ jackpot yesterday. This means he will receive 5,000 euros a month for each of the next 15 years, plus an additional one-off payment of 250,000 euros.

The lucky winner is already the eighth big winner in freiheit+ since it was launched in March 2020 and now the third big winner in LOTTO24 this year: back in April, a 63-year-old LOTTO24 player from Hamburg had won 45 million euros in the 6aus49 lottery. Before that, a 61-year-old LOTTO24 player from Bremerhaven cracked the first big jackpot of the year in January with a 107.5 million Eurojackpot.

The 49-year-old LOTTO24 player picked the numbers 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 22 and 27 for yesterday's draw. At the same time, the winner supported selected educational projects, because 50 cents of every freiheit+ betting field sold goes to charitable educational projects.

"Three big winners within a few months – LOTTO24 is developing into a true winners' factory," said Jonas Mattsson, CFO of LOTTO24 AG. "We are very happy for our customer and proud to once again be able to fulfill the big dream of winning the lottery."
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