A review of Goooal
16 Feb 2012
As evidenced by the game's name, "Goooal" is a five-reel, three-payline soccer-themed slot machine. The game starts by choosing which team you think will be the eventual winner of the virtual slots/soccer game that occurs during play. You can pick either the blue team or red team. You can change your selection as often as you wish before the third goal is scored.
After you pick your team, spin the reels. The big payoff in this slot game is getting the "GOOOAL!" symbol on the fifth reel. Whatever background color accompanies the "GOOOAL!" symbol determines which team scored the goal.
After the third goal of the game is scored, you enter the bonus round. This round determines which team will win or if a tie will occur. In the bonus round you click on balls which are either goals or misses for the red and blue teams. When a whistle symbol indicates game over, the payout is calculated, according to which team won and how many bonus points were earned in regular play.
"Goooal" is an advanced and unique slot game that can take some time getting used to. But once you do, it's a lot of fun. Head to Bet-At.eu and give it a shot.