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Payment Processor


WebDollar, which has been in business since 1997 and is headquartered in Southern Sweden, provides a full suite of secure payment solutions. They also provide risk analysis, fraud and money-laundering detection and prevention, and credit card chargeback management. All of Webdollar's transactions are safeguarded by encryption techniques.

Honnörsgatan 2
PO Box 3095
SE-350 53 Växjö

Support Line:
+43 800005087
Support Line:
(866) 988-2459
Support Line:
+33 8 05 11 05 44
Support Line:
+48 80 012 12 750
Support Line:
+34 800 098 863
Support Line:
+8 108 002 0184011
Support Line:
+49 800 000 5146
Support Line:
+41 800 001 728
Support Line:
+46 200 899 159
Support Line:
+44 808-2386065
Support Line:
+39 8008 976 62
Support Line:
+45 80 88 96 84

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WebDollar Logo


WebDollar offers a wide selection of reliable localized payment alternatives through carefully-selected partners. Convenient and recognizable transaction alternatives make purchases easier for the customer. Familiarity — in terms of language, currency and transaction options — helps to boost customers' trust and increase their confidence in conducting transactions with a particular merchant.

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Payment Processor


WebDollar, which has been in business since 1997 and is headquartered in Southern Sweden, provides a full suite of secure payment solutions. They also provide risk analysis, fraud and money-laundering detection and prevention, and credit card chargeback management. All of Webdollar's transactions are safeguarded by encryption techniques.

Honnörsgatan 2
PO Box 3095
SE-350 53 Växjö

Support Line:
+43 800005087
Support Line:
(866) 988-2459
Support Line:
+33 8 05 11 05 44
Support Line:
+48 80 012 12 750
Support Line:
+34 800 098 863
Support Line:
+8 108 002 0184011
Support Line:
+49 800 000 5146
Support Line:
+41 800 001 728
Support Line:
+46 200 899 159
Support Line:
+44 808-2386065
Support Line:
+39 8008 976 62
Support Line:
+45 80 88 96 84

Bonuses! New games! Gossip! And all the player news you can handle. Sign up NOW!

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